Natural Disaster - Change Tracking Page

Date Added Description Priority Status Type
05/29/01 Occasionally when two rivers meet one of the rivers ends before joining with the second river.

Change: The way the code was written made this need a very large amount of code to fix the problem. I changed the map generation code to utilize UpdateTile making it much simpler and forcing the tiles to be correct.

3 Complete Bug
05/29/01 When demolishing for tornados, hurricanes, and mud slides buildings will be destroyed but the message will state that none were destroyed.

Change: Destroy() was returning a text string. It now returns a number.

2 Complete Bug
05/29/01 Add Computer (AI) players. 4 Draft Enhancement
05/29/01 Clicking on contracts from the main game screen causes a crash at line 2246:

Output += "<td width=33% valign=top><h2 align=center>" + Contract[Count].Name + "</h2><p>" + Contract[Count].Description;

Change: The shuffling was causing a 0 to be used as a contract subscript. This now uses the correct numbers.

2 Complete Bug
05/29/01 The default font of the web browser is currently used. This makes some words in Natural Disaster hard too read. We should choose a specific font and font size for every screen. Arial and 12 will probably be the best.

Change: The font is now Times New Roman with a sizes of 12 - 36 point.

4 Complete Enhancement
05/29/01 The game is in the player's original browser window cuasing the tool bar to be accessable (including the back button!) We should launch the game in a new window so that all players have the same window size and no toolbar. 4 Complete Enhancement
05/29/01 The game should have instructions accesable from the first setup page and from the main game screen.

Change: I made the code for this but for now I'm just using a copy of the functional specifications as instructions. The instructions will be made be our writer.

4 Complete Enhancement
06/05/01 The Demolish button doesn't work after hurricanes and disaster because IE has a problem when a var Demolish has the same name as Demolish() . 1 Complete Bug
06/05/01 Add Support for Netscape.

Change: MSIE 5 and Netscape 6 are now supported. Netscape 4.6 for Windows cannot handle JavaScript forms within frames so it will not be supported but users will get an error message.

2 Complete Bug
06/13/01 Occasionally a map without a road will be created. It seems to happen mostly on small maps. 2 Submitted Bug
06/13/01 When the mouse is over a water tile adjacent to a road the tile changes to the build tile. We should assume bridges for water. 3 Submitted Bug

Priority - The priorities are 1 through 5. 1 is the highest priority and should only be for bugs that occur in every game. 2 Should be restricted to bugs that either do major damage ( Crashes, Change Score or Resources, etc.). 4 and 5 are only for enhancements.

Status - Complete - meaning fixed/added/changed, Draft - meaning working on, QC - Quality Control/Testing, or Submitted.

Type - Either Bug or Enhancement.


r="#FFFFFF">Bug 06/14/01 Give users the oppurtunity to save setup settings to a cookie. 5 Submitted Enhancement

Priority - The priorities are 1 through 5. 1 is the highest priority and should only be for bugs that occur in every game. 2 Should be restricted to bugs that either do major damage ( Crashes, Change Score or Resources, etc.). 4 and 5 are only for enhancements.

Status - Complete - meaning fixed/added/changed, Draft - meaning working on, QC - Quality Control/Testing, or Submitted.

Type - Either Bug or Enhancement.


Submitted Enhancement 07/08/01 In a contract for 4 or more buildings if the buildings are not together but in sets of two or more the bid goes through. 3 Submitted Bug 07/08/01 When a flood occurs not all adjacent buildings are destroyed! 3 Submitted Bug

Priority - The priorities are 1 through 5. 1 is the highest priority and should only be for bugs that occur in every game. 2 Should be restricted to bugs that either do major damage ( Crashes, Change Score or Resources, etc.). 4 and 5 are only for enhancements.

Status - Complete - meaning fixed/added/changed, Draft - meaning working on, QC - Quality Control/Testing, or Submitted.

Type - Either Bug or Enhancement.